Collection: Sculpture House

For 125+ years, Sculpture House has provided sculptors with quality sculpting tools and materials for clay modeling, stone and wood carving and mold making.

In 1883 John Ettl immigrated from Hungary to the US and founded the Ettl Studios in New York City. Ettl Studios was known for the creation of monumental castings. Joined by his sons Charles and Alex in 1918, the family expanded the business with the addition of hand crafted sculpture tool production. Very quickly, Ettl Studios was as well known for its unparalleled tool manufacturing as it was for its monumental castings, thus prompting the name change to Sculpture House in 1942.

The Barrie family purchased the company in 1965 and by 1973 Standard Clay Mines, Sculpture Associates and National Sculpture Services were combined under one roof into Sculpture House, as it is known today.

Bruner tuned into the clay culture of the 1970s and 1980s. In 1973, he wanted to promote the ceramic and clay industry and planned an event at the Princeton Farm. “We got about 6 wheels and planned to give everyone 50 pounds of clay. We promoted it as a ‘Pot Party.’ People showed up and wondered where the pot was!” Despite the colorful family history, Bruner credits his father’s friendship with Alex Ettl for laying the seeds for his strong work ethic.

Bruner says that when his wife Nancy pointed out that he is approaching age 75 and suggested that it is time for him to retire, he needed to make some changes. As one of the chosen companies, we will attempt to maintain the quality and professionalism that Bruner has always insisted upon!!!