This is a Lead Free Pewter, also referred to as a Britannia Alloy that works well in Spin Cast Molds for designs, such as Fashion (Costume) Jewelry, with thin cross sections or fine filigree and maximum detail requiring less malleability and more strength.
Nominal Composition:
Sn: 91-93% with Antimony and Copper in a Proprietary formula enhanced from our standard 7921 Brittania
Technical Info:
Elongation (2" Section) : 30% - 40%
Liquidus Temperature: 478F - 490F
Solidus Temperature: 435F - 463F
Brinell: 21 - 25
Tensile Strength: 7,000 psi - 9600 psi
Solderability: Can be soldered Easily with soft solder and flux
Finishes: Mechanical, chemical, organic, and electroplated